Cardiac and arterial catheterization

In 2011, the most updated advanced unit in Jordan for cardiac and arterial catheterization was opened, and the first three dimensional catheterization system using digital detector in Jordan and the Middle East, where not only diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are performed for cardiac and arterial disorders, but also brain and neck arteries and the rest of body organs, that besides radiological interventions without surgery such as, dilation of narrowed arteries using balloons and implantation of different types of nets, for heart and brain arteries and lower limb arteries and restriction in renal artery and the rest of boy limbs, further to the disposal of uterus fibers without surgical intervention.


All these procedures are done using new advanced digital equipments under the supervision of qualified doctors of cardiovascular diseases, catheterization and radiological intervention specialists.


Centre of obstetrics, gynecology and surgery/newborn and prematurity


A distinguished centre has been equipped, though this rarely done in any other hospital, which is obstetrics and gynecology and their surgery centre shared up with newborn and prematurity centre, so that delivery unit should contain three delivery rooms fully outfitted to help in the completion of delivery with great facility, and with the presence of devoted nursing cadre used to give warmth and tenderness and  ensure high privacy for the patient to be inspired with high spirit of assurance and security. And that is why the newborn centre was chosen to associate with the delivery centre so the mother and attendants would have the chance to see the newborn as easily, unless that would oppose its health condition.


Whereas newborn and prematurity centre is highly imbued with unusual consideration and emotion in our society, so much Al-Hayat General Hospital has been characteristic and advanced in furnishing this centre with up-to-date incubators from international leading and professional companies in addition to artificial respiration systems with high scientific and international technology and from the most prestigious companies. 

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Provide comprehensive, safe uniqe and high quality medical services to Jordanian and international patients through qualified personnel and using the latest medical technology  satisfaction of the service recipient and ethical profession and the need to continuously increase the efficiency of the hospital.
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